What is typical about the Red Californian Worm:
  • 3.54 times greater fertility;
  • has an instinct to be home-grown, as long as there are living conditions;
  • their meat is hard and has a red coloring;
  • they can live in high density on a small surface – up to 50 000 per m2 ( while in the wild, they are 50/m2)
  • lives in a warm climate – 19 – 20 С°;
  • it is 6-8 cm long.;

Worms are kept in beds. The width of the bed (respectively, of the flower-bed) is up to 1 m., and its length is 2 m.

Several beds adjacent to each other form a flower-bed. The length of the flower-bed depends on the number of beds and it’s usually 10 meters.

Before placing the beds in the flower-bed, organic fertilizer must be placed, which will be processed in layers of 50 mm thickness. The worms are placed above that layer of organic matter (manure) and above them - another layer of organic matter (up to 150 mm thick). With that - the bed is formed and after that you put 23-30 kg. of organic fertilizer on the bed every 15 days, because every new layer of organic fertilizer is processed by the worms for 15 days.

3 months after you put the Californian Worms on the bed, the number of worms has doubled. It takes 3 months for the worms to create a new generation.